
Showing posts from July, 2021

Case Based factual ( table, graph, statistical interpretation/inference based) Comprehension class 10, 11 and 12 CBSE

  As per CBSE pattern, Sec A deals with reading comprehension. So, here we provide you practice worksheet for case based factual, table interpretation/ inference based comprehension. Read the following passage along with the table and answer the given question below  :- What makes a university stand apart from the rest of universities? Is it the quality of students enrolled and faculty engaged in teaching, or the infrastructure? These certainly have a role to play as the university strives to gain excellence, but are not the primary driver. A close scrutiny of the table toppers in the INDIA TODAY-MDRA survey of India’s best  universities  r eveals that they all have one thing in   common-the constant  endeavor  to innovate and adapt to the growing needs of the local, provincial, national and global environment. India n universities don’t produce No bel winners because our higher education institutes have lagged behind in the area of research. Of course, funds do play a role in promotin

Term 1 Core English(301) Syllabus grade 12

As per new guidelines of CBSE, the TERM 1 SYLLABUS of Core ENGLISH code 301 for class 12 is shared below SEC -A                                                                                                    Marks Reading Comprehension(Two passages)     * Unseen passage(factual, descriptive or                              8        literary/discursive or persuasive)     *Case based unseen (factual)/data, table, graph interpretation/ inference based passage                                     6 SEC-B Short Writing Task:                                                                         3    Notice writing    Classified  Advertisement Long Writing Task:       Letter to Editor                                                                                5    Article Writing                                              SEC-C LITERATURE: (Extract based questions and questions based on text) FLAMINGO: